After the car accident bang post previously, here I am boasting of another bang…On my hair… *Cries* %>_<% Me being me, went to have a haircut to change my look, well, actually I just wanted to trim my fringe but since I am there already, might as well cut my hair too, right? RIGHT??!!! Surely someone out there feels the same as me before right? Hehe.. So anyways, I went to get it done before watching Legend of The Guardians in 3D at Village Mall (which is a HIGHLY recommended place to watch 3D by me!!! The cinema and the 3D glasses are super duper WONDERFUL!!!!) but the haircut before it somewhat dampened if not straight spoilt my mood… I SPECIFICALLY asked for him to NOT cut my fringe flat and he nicely obliged… by DOING IT!ARGH…. And in the process of an hour, he managed to stuff 3 insults to my face too… like… &^(*&!)(@*&@^#)!&&^^RT#_@JH&TDFHUFQ What a deal huh?? You pay to get something you specifically disliked and get insulted too in the meantime… Sweet… And it’s not like in some dingy barber shop and the price is on the high side too… Regret to the max… Oh well, I’ll just have to stand this for a month till I get back to KL to fix it… *Cries even more* BEFORE vs AFTER
Get your updates on the life of your not-so-average KL girl practising dentistry in Jerantut right now.. Buzz me if you want.. I know you do... =p
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Another bang-ing post!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Started off my Independence Day celebration with a loud bang!!!!! Both from the back….and the front….of my poor car…. Sigh… Had a chain accident with me being the middle car…. So my car’s a heartbreaking sight now being most severely damaged and most innocent…. (sad but true) Talk about starting off your day with a bang huh?? I had two bangs… Like… WOW… /(ㄒ.ㄒ)/~~ I didn’t know how troublesome being the victim of a car accident was till now so.. well, at least I’ve learnt something huh??
Anyway, just wanted to post shout-outs to some of the kindest and most caring friends one could ever have so… THANK YOU once again:-
Su Hean, Philip, Stephanie, Michelle, Qi Xian, Khim Yik, Zi Wei, Qi Shan, Qiu Ping, Shih Lin, Swee Quin, Kumaran, Vivian, Kai Xuan, Sylvia, Janice, Deniece, Gerviene, Eliza, Jasmine, Prashana and Wuan Phing!!!!
To Rachel and Amalina, you two have my greatest gratitude!! LOVE YOU TWO SO VERY MUCH!!! *Hugs your calm-down-it’s-ok-now-super-nice-gift-cup to sleep now*