Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm a cyborg

Full stop. Li Theen and Chai Hsia jie will be the only two who knows what I mean... In the meantime, I'll move on..
"Can you feel my heartbeat-2PM"


SXian said...

why are you a cyborg???

ahh are you ok? =/

SeReNe Lee said...

Hey gurl, don't worry about it.. It's seriously nothing... Would have asked you for a counselling session if it was anything right, my dear friend since decade ago??? Lol.... Thanks for being concerned though... Truthfully, I'm more worried bout how are YOU!! Haha, message me back ok??

SXian said...

haha ok fine fine. i'm doing better? if that's the correct word. lol you like my blog subjects? it's kind of theme related.... hahah

SeReNe Lee said...

Yup, glad u're better(?)... Hehe... Anyway, what theme's on now?? Holiday+religion?? Whatever it is, always love ur blog subjects so keep on writing!! Lol...